Course curriculum

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    Course Overview

    • What You Will Learn

    • What You Will Learn

    • Introducing Drew Elliott – From Intern to Marketing Director

    • Introducing Drew Elliott – Agency Life

    • Introducing Drew Elliott – The Entertainment Game

    • Please Note

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    1. The Magic and Math of Content Strategy

    • 1 Introduction

    • 1.1 Content Fundamentals

    • 1.1 Content Fundamentals

    • 1.1 Test Your Learning

    • 1.2 The Content Revolution – Consumer Drivers

    • 1.2 The Content Revolution - Consumer Drivers

    • 1.3 The Content Revolution – Industry Drivers

    • 1.3 The Content Revolution - Industry Drivers

    • 1.3 Test Your Learning

    • 1.4 Key Learnings

    • 1.5 Essential Reading

    • 1.6 Learning Activity

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    2. The Tools You Need to Play the Entertainment Game

    • 2. Introduction

    • 2.1 The Content Toolbox

    • 2.1 The Content Toolbox

    • 2.1 Test Your Learning

    • 2.2 Social Media

    • 2.2 Social Media

    • 2.2 Test Your Learning

    • 2.3 Influencers

    • 2.3 Influencers

    • 2.3 Test Your Learning

    • 2.4 Video

    • 2.4 Video

    • 2.4 Test Your Learning

    • 2.5 Live

    • 2.5 Live

    • 2.5 Test Your Learning

    • 2.6 Key Learnings

    • 2.7 Essential Reading

    • 2.8 Learning Activities

    • 2.9 Your Feedback

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    3. Break the Internet: The Cadence of the Content Management Cycle

    • 3. Introduction

    • 3.1 The Content Marketing Team

    • 3.1 The Content Marketing Team

    • 3.1 Test Your Learning

    • 3.2 Strategy

    • 3.2 Strategy

    • 3.2 Test Your Learning

    • 3.3 Production

    • 3.3 Production

    • 3.3 Test Your Learning

    • 3.4 Amplification

    • 3.4 Amplification

    • 3.4 Test Your Learning

    • 3.5 Measurement

    • 3.5 Measurement

    • 3.5 Test Your Learning

    • 3.6 Key Learnings

    • 3.7 Essential Reading

    • 3.8 Learning Activities

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    4. Don't Believe the Hype: Navigating Virality

    • 4. Introduction

    • 4.1 Tone of Voice

    • 4.1 Tone of Voice

    • 4.1 Test Your Learning

    • 4.2 Storytelling

    • 4.2 Storytelling

    • 4.2 Test Your Learning

    • 4.3 Virality

    • 4.3 Virality

    • 4.3 Test Your Learning

    • 4.4 Key Learnings

    • 4.5 Essential Reading

    • 4.6 Learning Activities

    • 4.7 Your Feedback

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    5. It's Not About Being Famous: How to Become a Content Expert

    • 5 Introduction

    • 5.1 Skills and Knowledge

    • 5.1 Skills and Knowledge

    • 5.1 Test Your Learning

    • 5.2 Teamwork, Collaboration and Getting Started

    • 5.2 Teamwork, Collaboration and Getting Started

    • 5.2 Test Your Learning

    • 5.3 Mentoring

    • 5.3 Mentoring

    • 5.4 Key Learnings

    • 5.5 Essential Reading

    • 5.6 Learning Activities

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    6. What You Need to Remember

    • 6.1 Final Thoughts

    • 6.1 Final Thoughts

    • 6.2 End of Course Test

    • 6.3 Your feedback

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    • Glossary

    • Bibliography